The Beast

I’m fidgety and worried

What lies behind the door?

I already know it’s hurried

It scratches and begs

If men are dogs

What dog lies behind this door?

Is it one who pees on the rug

And pretends he didn’t do it?

Or will he run away

To visit another family

And get double the love?

If you get too close

And he’s in a bad mood

Is he going to snap and growl

And carry on?

Bite the hand that feeds?

Does he obey everyone

And never pick a side?

Or will he win the heart

With his cute good looks

And big brown eyes

Begging for your love

Might he be

That perfect puppy,

The one who loves me

Forever and ever?

My hand reaches towards the door

There is something inside

Kicking and screaming

Yelling to be heard

…My instincts?

Have they ever been wrong?

In my hand grasps the cold knob

My fingers squeeze

Preparing to turn

The beast behind the door

Lets out a growl

A growl that unblocks

The sound from my instincts’ cage

My hand flies free

I back away

And listen to the beast

As it carries on

And laments his failure at deception