I Am What I Am Not

I whisper when I scream

I fade when I shine

I tiptoe when I run

I win when I lose

I am what I am not

You cry when I’m happy

You jump when I sit

You fly when I fall

You run when I stay

You are what I am not

He is strong when I am weak

He brings joy when I am sad

He feels love when I am cranky

He will go down so I can go up

He is there when I am not

She is a hurricane when I am a trickle

She is the imagination when I am the practicality

She is dedicated when I am lazy

She is spunk when I am sleepy

She is when I’m not

I may be what I am not

But that makes me


You may be what I am not

But where would we be

Without opposing forces?

He may be there when I am not

But without him

We would both be lost

She may be when I am not

But that is why we are such good friends

Two halves making a whole



Making us, us.