Things [I Think] I Want in A Man

So I’ve already done the “Things You Should Know Before You Date Me”. Here’s my list (everyone has one of these, I’m sure of it) of *who* I want to date me:

Things [I Think] I Want in A Man

  1. Carries a pocket knife (Weird, but pocket-knife toting men are the ones I like the most. If for no other reason than that I can never find my scissors.)
  2. Has an easy going smile (A smile that comes naturally makes me smile)
  3. Makes me laugh (Duh?)
  4. Believes in God
  5. Makes me a better person/makes me feel like I return the favor
  6. Makes me not feel like a giant (What lady doesn’t want to feel semi-dainty?)
  7. Has big hands (I have monster hands. It goes with #6)
  8. Knows the difference between ‘don’t’ and ‘doesn’t’. (Ermergerd! Pet peeve  of mine)
  9. Has good grammar or understand he has bad grammar and doesn’t mind me when I [nicely] correct him.
  10. Dimples. (Ok, so not necessary, but so adorable!)
  11. Libertarian. (Because everyone should be!)
  12. Likes to hold hands
  13. Doesn’t feel the need for gross PDA
  14. Loves the water (I’m a swimmer and nothing cheers me up like bodies of water!)
  15. Drinks (Or is totally ok with me drinking. I hate judge-y people and I like the occasional drink)
  16. Does not smoke
  17. Grows a great beard, and wears it as either 5‘oclock shadow or beard. (Just not a huge fan of clean-shaven guys)
  18. Is willing to keep it in his pants for a while/has the sense to know when the time is actually good, not just something his alternative brain thinks is a good plan. (I think modern culture has skewed the opinions of modern men when it comes to sex.)
  19. Likes to take me fishing. (I’m not the leave-at-home for all the fishing trips kind of woman. Some of them, yeah, it’s guys’ time and I get that, but if I don’t get to go ever I won’t be happy!)
  20. Understands staying up super late because ‘I just got to the good part’ of my book. (I’m an avid reader!)
  21. Has some kind of goal or dream or ambition
  22. One day wants a family. (Because one day, far, far away I know I will. Family is super important to me)
  23. Has the patience of a saint with me. Because I can be a little crazy (What woman isn’t?)
  24. Is semi-capable of communication. You know, doesn’t require social lubricant (alcohol) to talk to me. (Dated that. Bleck!) Also understands that women want to talk more than men do.
  25. Has some of my love of various types of music. But if he can’t listen to at least some of my country, rock, folk, and southern rock music there might be a problem..

I’m sure this list will need tweaking with every man that comes in and out of my life, but ta-da, if you fit all of this right now, maybe you should send me an application.
Totally kidding.

Kind of.

The Terrible 20’s

Ever feel like you have so much you want to do with your life and it all seems to conflict, but they’re all so important you can’t let one dream go?

I’m 21. I have another year and a half of schooling left. I want four kids and a happy forever kind of marriage. I want to be a [insert sport here] mom. I want a big back yard that I have to drag the kids in from. I wouldn’t mind being a stay at home mom. I want to travel and see parts of the world, preferably as part of my job. I want to own a home. I want a dog that goes everywhere with me. I want to have a gorgeous front porch that I can watch the sun rise/set on while sitting in my rocking chair with a cup of coffee. Or a book. I want to be that mom that always has homemade snacks under the cake-case I inherited from my grandmother, just like she always did. I want my kids to come home covered in mud and dust and scrapes and to really have realized what it means to have fun. I want them to truly love their freedom, liberties, to be caring, kind, and smart. I want them to have the opportunity to have a dog as their best friend. I want to own horses one day, because I never have and I always wanted to. I want to go dancing on the weekends. I want to learn real dancing, like line-dancing, ball-room, or square-dancing. I want to see all the random little nooks and crannies and secret quaint towns that the US has tucked away. I want to have the freedom to do as I please, to live in a different state. I want to live in this state. I want to feel what it’s like to wake up next to someone I love. To be woken up in the middle of the night because someone has had a bad dream. I want to wake someone up because I can’t sleep and need to go on an adventure. I want to get more than my associate’s degree. I want to be in a position where I can teach. I want to be a leader. I want to coach swimming again. I want to live near water, in a forest, on a farm, in a town, by myself, with someone else, and in a place where when I look up at the sky my breath is taken away by the number of stars that glisten there. I want to live other places but can’t fathom going somewhere where I don’t have friends. I want to get into shape. I want to take a drop-everything-and-go road trip. I want to throw my own fancy cocktail party. I want to have the most relaxed country-chic wedding ever. I want to pick up an accent. I want to publish something that I’ve written and have more than a handful of people read it. And I feel like it needs to be done before I turn 30.

I’ve picked a profession that it takes time to really gain the experience I’d need to be able to be paid to travel, but it can be done. And I know feasibly I should just make this a pre-retirement plan. But I want to do it while I’m young. I want to be able to walk off a plane and into a town and say to myself “This is it. I’ve found my home.” I know that town exists.

My parents were married when they were my age. By the time I’m going to graduating from college they’ll have forgone an education and had their first child, been to CA and back to IN, bought their first house (the one we lived in until I turned 12). In contrast I don’t know where my life should be now. My friends all have significant others and/or plans. I feel like I’m either stalking them to a city or I fear for the place I go without them.

I love small towns, but can I really meet a significant other in a rural area? I feel almost like you have to meet singles in the city, and then you leave and go to the small town. But if they live in a city, they probably won’t want the small town. And then you’ll have left yet ANOTHER set of friends behind. And I can’t find one where I live now. The problem with your hometown in the Midwest is that people my age flee from it, and if they stay in the same hometown they have no intention of leaving. I’m an anomaly.

I’m a wanderer, I love to travel. But I am not happy if I don’t have roots sunk somewhere. I’m like the monarch butterfly; migrate thousands of miles but always knowing where to return to.

The thought of not having children until age 30 is bewildering to me. My parents were done with kids by then. They had the whole parenting thing down, and even had one old enough they could leave us home alone for an hour under his care. I hear the imaginary tick of my uterus, and at the same time know it’s completely ridiculous.

The most entertaining part of this whole debate is that I really can’t settle anything until after I graduate from school. So another 1.5 years before any of these decisions can really make an impact on my life/be considered.

So what is the point of this emotional dump? To make this statement: Your 20s are crazy. You do nothing but want and want and want and feel disappointed when you can’t/don’t make it. For some reason at the age of 21 you start to hear the first tick-tocks of the time clock, and despite the knowledge that you have another 40 years (most likely minimum) you can’t seem to stop yourself from feeling like you need to rush and hurry. And on the other hand you have this constant beckoning to just go take a nap because sometimes your dreams are so much more interesting than reality. (But that’s a tangent for another time.) My life has turned into the song Alabama song “I’m in a Hurry to Get Things Done”. (You know ‘I’m in a hurry to get things done / rush and rush until life’s no fun / all I really got to do is live and die / but I’m in a hurry and don’t know why’.)

So all of you who have survived the feeling of having desires that pull you 27,000 directions and don’t seem tangible and the ever-present feel of chomping at the bit to get life going: Any words of wisdom?

Man of Many Titles

(Borrowed from a google search)

I saw a man

Whose ghost white head

Stood staring down the hall


And with his bright blue eyes

He said

I am lost


I approached the man

For lost he was

And asked him for his name


He said call me Jim

And this I know

Jim was not this man


The leather toolkit

At his waist

Proclaimed him as a Richard


The tiny tag

Sewn on his shirt

Said he was a Joe


The scrawled writing

Upon his bucket

Listed him as Roger


The metal tags

Upon his chest

Labeled him as Don


So I asked

The Man of Many Titles

Why he was in his hall


He sat down his bucket

Pulled from his pocket

A piece of folded paper


I reached for the paper

Fingers outstretched

But seemed to lose my mind


For the paper moved

Before my touch

In the blink of an eye


Again and again

My fingers reached

Again and again they failed


Finally with a squeal of rage

My fingers clutched

For his bony thin wrist


To my own disbelief

My hand passed right through

And he let out an awful shout


He spun on his heel

And ran down the hall

Around the corner I saw him go


Without a thought

I gave chase

To the Man of Many Titles


He ran down the stairs

Out the door

And then right into my mind




Ran on and on


In my head

He ran in circles

Until my mind grew weary


Then with an awful laugh

He ran out

Back to the maze from before


He’d run down a flight

And I would follow

But above he’d appear


He’d run down a flight

And I would follow

But above he’d appear


His laugh echoed around

Down and up

Reverberating in my skull


Even as my eyes opened

I could still hear laughter

From the Man of Many Titles