Time to Let Another Go

Wave bye-bye to the current ‘boy’. He has officially friend-zoned me. But whatever, it’s not like this has happened to me before. Hooray for a new friend! (But I thought only girls friendzoned men)

What did I learn from this one? Nothing profound. I like guys who are kinda mean to me, but in a teasing fashion. I like guys in boots, but I already knew that.

Idk, mostly I walked away from this one wondering what the hell is wrong with me. The number of guys who have said to me “I’m not what you want or need” is ridiculous. Does that mean there is something ridiculously wrong with me that I don’t “want” or “need” what I keep picking out for myself? Or is that just the nice way of saying “I’m just not that into you, but you are funny and pretty much one of the guys so I want to be friends.”

Maybe it means they think I’m too good for them?

HAHA! But really, I guess it just means it’s time to direct my focus back on school and try to avoid crushing on another one until I know where life will end up sending me to live. Maybe I need to just wait until I move.

Or I can turn my online dating profiles back on and see what “treasures” this tiny town has for me. That could entertain me for a while.

There’s also always the option of getting into better shape. I mean, round is a shape, but not really the one men typically want…

More to ponder, but you can all join me in saying au revoir to “The Boy”


What I Am to You

I am the character in the book that is too important to die

Yet not worth mentioning

I live in the back of your mind

So as not to startle you when my name is mentioned

I deserve a name

But not a chapter in your book

Not that much of your time


I am a dot on a map

The gold-flecks in your eyes

I exist and am known

But not worth any sort of conversation

I exist in your knowledge,

I live only in your factually memory


I am the moth that flutters at your porch light

You see me there,

I might even captivate your attention for a bit,

But in the end you go back inside

And return to other endeavors

Something of more importance


I am the china in your cupboard

Forgotten until an important occasion

Calls for my retrieval

Then cleaned with care

And packed back into a box

Set aside until a later date


I am a witch in a children’s movie

Too evil and mean to end up a protagonist in the end

But far too nice to be worthy of any real respect

Children will never love me

But nor will they fear me as they drift to sleep


I am dry white bread

I lack the real appeal of white bread, I am not soft and smooth

I act like wheat bread,

But I also lack the nutritional value it has

So I am the loaf that sits


Alone and untouched at the store

Waiting for a sale to redeem me in the buyers’ eyes


I am the kiss of your beloved pet

Loved and appreciated,

But quickly wiped away

Avoided when possible

Slimy and endearing


I am everything loved from your childhood

Tucked away and forgotten

To be brought out when a memory calls

Or your mother feels like embarrassing you